Khaas Times

Winter Break is Extended for Schools in Summer Zones by the Directorate of School Education Jammu

Winter Break is Extended for Schools in Jammu

Winter Break is Extended for Schools in Jammu


January 21, 2024, Srinagar The Directorate of School Education Jammu (DSEJ) has decided to prolong the winter break for schools in the Jammu Division’s summer zones due to the persistently extremely cold weather. Students and staff will benefit from the extended holiday period, which will now be held from January 22 to January 27, 2024, during this cold snap.


“In view of prevailing extreme cold conditions and in continuation to previous orders, all schools up to 12th class functioning in the Summer Zones of Jammu Division shall observe vacations from January 22 to January 27, 2024,” the DSEJ’s official order stated, emphasizing the need for the extension.


While most students and staff are covered by the extension, there is a clause in the order specifically for individuals participating in Republic Day celebrations. The order states that students participating in Republic Day celebrations will still show up to rehearsals. It is the Heads of Institutions’ (HOIs) responsibility to make sure that everything is set up for the Republic Day event so that students can participate with enthusiasm.


Winter Break is Extended for Schools in Jammu
Winter Break is Extended for Schools in Jammu.. Pic from Govt Website


Winter Break Extension Prompted by the Chill in the Air


Given the current extremely cold weather in the area, the decision to prolong the winter break was made. The Directorate recognized that, given the difficulties caused by the severe weather, it was imperative to put staff and student welfare first.


In order to ensure the safety and comfort of children, teachers, and other school personnel during this period of extreme cold, the extension provides a break. The action is indicative of the Directorate’s dedication to establishing a supportive learning environment that considers the interests of all parties involved.


During Winter Break, Republic Day Preparations Continue


The Directorate made it plain that students participating in Republic Day celebrations would not be released from their obligations despite the longer break. It is required of those taking part in rehearsals to keep getting ready for the big event.


The decree emphasizes the value of Republic Day festivities and the contribution that educational institutions provide to students’ development of patriotism. The duty of supervising the arrangements and guaranteeing the smooth operation of Republic Day is placed on the Heads of Institutions.



Obtaining Active Involvement

In addition to logistical details, the edict highlights how important it is for students to participate enthusiastically in the Republic Day event. The heads of the institutions are instructed to take the initiative to encourage students to participate fully in the festivities by fostering a sense of patriotism in them.


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