Khaas Times

5 Hack to get best battery life of your Expensive Mobile

Have you ever had to buy a new phone because the battery of your old one died too quickly?

Many times, even with a branded phone, we notice the battery losing its charge quickly after just a few months of use. This leads us to replace the battery within a year. Let’s discuss steps to prolong our mobile battery life precisely 5 Best Hack For Your Expensive Mobile Battery Extended Life, including dos and don’ts to optimize battery performance. Taking care of our phone’s battery can save us from the hassle and expense of frequent replacements.


5 Hack to get best battery life of your Expensive Mobile


Imagine your phone battery is like normal human being – it needs some care to stay happy and healthy. As we exercise to stay fit mobile battery is also need some care to be fit and stay active and work in long run. Here are a few simple steps or tips to make sure your phone’s battery stays charged up and ready for action in each time with longer period.


Now we will discuss on the 5 Best Hack For Your Expensive Mobile Battery Extended Life.


  1. Do not fully charge or discharge for mobile battery care : This is the 1st hack out of 5 Best Hack For Your Expensive Mobile Battery Extended Life. Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are different from older types – no memory effect here. For a happy battery life, keep it around 50% or more most of the time. Don’t let it drop below 20%, and avoid charging it all the way to 100%. Instead, aim for a sweet spot: charge from around 40% to 80% in one go. If it dips below 50%, top it up a bit. Think of a full zero to 100% recharge as a treat for your battery – do it maybe once a month to keep things balanced, like a mini vacation for your tech friend. This advice works for laptops too



5 Hack to get best battery life of your Expensive Mobile
5 Hack to get best battery life of your Expensive Mobile



2. Slow and Steady Wins the Charging Race: Charging your phone slowly is like taking the scenic route – it’s better for the battery. Fast charging, our superhero, can heat things up and harm the battery over time. Remember, extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, are also the bad guys. Keep it cool, ideally above 14 degrees Celsius. Avoid heavy-duty tasks that stress the battery, and if possible, turn off fast charging in settings. Consider using a gentler 1.0 charging brick adapter. Treat your battery like a friend – be gentle, keep it cool, and it’ll stick around longer.


3. Avoid wireless charging—it makes your phone heat up quickly, reducing battery life. Stick to regular charging for a happier, healthier battery.


4. The App Nap Time: this is the 4th hack out of 5 Best Hack For Your Expensive Mobile Battery Extended LifeNow, let’s talk about those little apps running in the background. It’s like having a bunch of tiny helpers doing things behind the scenes. But, just like you need your beauty sleep, so do your apps. Close the ones you’re not using, and it’s like tucking them into bed for a nap. This not only saves battery but also helps your phone run smoother without unnecessary background traffic.


5 Hack to get best battery life of your Expensive Mobile



5. Give Your Phone a Breather: Last hack of the 5 Best Hack For Your Expensive Mobile Battery Extended Life, Battery is like a tiny chemistry set with lithium ions playing the good guys, moving from one part to another. But there are also troublemakers, unwanted crystals that form and mess with the battery’s capacity, eventually causing it to kick the bucket.

Now, stressing the battery out, especially when it’s really low (below 20% charge), makes these issues worse. It’s like pushing your phone’s chemistry set to its limits, and that’s not a good idea.

Temperature is another player in this game. The hotter the battery, the faster all the chemical reactions happen – both the good and the bad ones. While batteries perform better in the warmth, the downside is that they degrade faster. Make it work too hard for too long, especially when it’s getting warm, and it’s not good for its health.

When you use it for long periods, especially during intense activities like binge-watching Netflix or gaming, it starts heating up. Just like a superhero needing a break, your phone does too. Give it those breaks, and it stays cooler. A cooler phone means a happier, healthier battery that will stick around longer. Treat your phone with care, and it’ll live longer!



5 Hack to get best battery life of your Expensive Mobile



So, why do these simple tips matter? Well, it’s like taking vitamins to stay healthy – a little care every day goes a long way. Treating your phone battery with kindness ensures it stays strong and lasts longer. Plus, it saves you from the hassle of finding a replacement too soon.


By following these 5 Best Hack For Your Expensive Mobile Battery Extended Life, you’re being the best phone friend you can be. Cheers to a long and happy battery life!


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